Sleep Right. Eat Right. Move Right.


I have been challenged my whole life with being overweight.

Over the years, I have tried many different diets to try to lose weight to look and feel better. When I met my wife a little over 20 years ago, I weighed in at a whopping 255 pounds! But my story has a happy ending and so can yours.

Sleep Right. Eat Right. Move Right.

The Blueprint

Living a long & healthy life is not the result of massive changes, but lots of small habits that improve the way you sleep, eat and move. Best of all, when combined unlock amazing change.
Sleep plays a critical role in our Lives and is Essential to our well-being. 50-70 million adults in the US have a sleep disorder.
EAT Right

Eating right is important to staying at a healthy weight. Cook smart, eat smaller portions and avoid processed foods.

Movement gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength and good circulation. It starts with one foot in front of the other.
The Word Is in


Anything Is Possible!

See Joe In Action

It feels great to move outside your comfort zone.  I am passionate about challenging myself. Once you create momentum and confidence, everything will feel possible.  

One Small Change Everyday!

Good health is about moving toward your goals.  Everyday is about making a small change in direction to better health.  Eat one extra vegetable.  Take 25 extra steps.  Small change leads to action and action leads to big change.  

formula for success

Get Primal

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