Coaching Tips

Primal Life


I came across this short article from PALEO Magazine that talks about fiber in our diet.  The daily recommendation for women is 25 to 29 grams per day, which is less than the recommendation of 36 grams for men.  The reality however, is that the average American is getting half of the daily recommendation at best. Fortunately, getting enough fiber is possible on a low-carb diet, or even on a ketogenic diet. If you follow a low-carb diet, some high-fiber foods that can fit include avocados, berries, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and nuts. Although I don’t advise you driving yourself crazy tracking

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Grain Free

Perfect Paleo Double Chocolate Cookies

One thing you should try to do while eating Primaly is to slow down and enjoy the foods you are eating.  Everything you eat or drink should serve a purpose.  Try to avoid “mindless munching” in the pantry with high carbohydrate snack foods.  I am not going to lie, I still have my sweet tooth cravings that need to be satisfied on occasion! I am lucky that my wife enjoys baking.  She has been awesome with trying new recipes that fit our Primal lifestyle.  This recipe for the Perfect Paleo Double Chocolate Cookies are hands down one of my favorites

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Primal Life


This article was shared in an email from U.S. Wellness Meats.  I recently purchased a variety of meats from them.  So far, I have made the boneless pork (4oz portions) and the burger patties (75%/25% blend).  They were both tasty! I am sharing this article because Dr. Sears does a great job in a short article to provide great direction on the myth about dairy products and fat in your diet.  Unfortunately, for years we have been guided by the “SAD” (standard American diet) to eat and drink low fat dairy products.  Little did we know they were fattening us

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Are All Calories The Same??

One of the things I like about living a Primal lifestyle is that I don’t bother to count calories like I have with other diets in the past.  This may be one of the things I like the most about it. When people tell me they are “watching their calories”, but are still eating processed foods, but just fewer calories of them, I ask them how does 100 calories of spinach, eggs, chicken, etc. compare from a macro-nutrient perspective?  If calories were the end all solution, do you think a 2,000 daily calorie diet eating pizza, pasta, and the like

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What Is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is made from animal bones and connective tissue — typically cattle, chicken, or fish — that have been boiled into a broth and slow simmered for 10 to more than 20 hours with herbs, vegetables, and spices. So why is this seemingly simple liquid something you’d want to drink every day? WHAT SOUNDS LIKE MEAT WATER IS PURE, LIQUID GOLD Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors realized that drinking bone broth was like striking nutritional gold, as its earliest version dates back over 2,500 years . Throwing away anything edible was out of the question back then, so animal hooves, knuckles, bones, and other connective tissues never went to waste. Bone broth has a rich history

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Targeting Inflammation with CBD

It is certainly clear that our most pervasive chronic conditions share a common feature in terms of their underlying cause. Whether we are talking about coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, or even Alzheimer’s disease, what current medical literature reveals is the powerful role that inflammation plays in these and other common conditions. Ultimately, the main issue with higher levels of inflammation that manifests as damage to tissue is the fact that when inflammation has been turned on, it increases the production of damaging free radicals, a situation we call oxidative stress. When oxidative stress is running rampant,

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Is The Primal Lifestyle For You??

The stretch from Thanksgiving through New Year’s is one filled with family, friends and indulging on food and libations.  So what exactly is a New Year’s Resolution.  It is a tradition in the Western Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. I make reference to the New Year’s Resolution because with it being the middle of January, fitness centers around America are slowly becoming less and less crowded as we inch our way to February.  In a 2014 report, 35% of participants who failed

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What Should I Eat??

I recently saw this photo, which was shared by Dr. Mark Hyman on his Instagram feed.  I thought this was a great visual for people to look at when trying to figure out what to eat when trying to eat healthier. On the left is where you can explore with a wide variety of vegetables, nuts & seeds, berries, avocado, leafy greens and more.  These are the low-sugar plant choices you can eat.  With regards to nuts, you can’t go wrong with Macadamia, walnuts and almonds.  Try to avoid nuts roasted in seed oils like canola, vegetable, etc.  Good old

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Sugar Season. It’s Everywhere, and Addictive.

By James J. DiNicolantonio and Sean C. Lucan December 22, 2014 New York Times YOUR co-worker brought in brownies, your daughter made cookies for a holiday party and candy is arriving from far-flung relatives. Sugar is everywhere. It is celebration, it is festivity, it is love. It’s also dangerous. In a recent study, we showed that sugar, perhaps more than salt, contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Evidence is growing, too, that eating too much sugar can lead to fatty liver disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and kidney disease. Yet people can’t resist. And the reason for that is pretty simple.

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