Coaching Tips


Understanding Triglycerides and Their Impact on Heart Health

Triglycerides, a type of fat found in your blood, are a crucial part of the conversation around heart health. With so much misinformation and confusing advice surrounding diet and cholesterol, it’s time to clear up some myths. As a health coach, I’m here to break down the science and share the truths about triglycerides—what they are, why they matter, and how to keep them in check. What Are Triglycerides? Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in your body, and they’re stored in fat cells. They come from the foods we eat, particularly fats and carbohydrates. When you eat

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The Truth About GLP-1 Drugs: A Quick Fix or a Long-Term Solution?

In recent years, synthetic GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic and Wegovy have gained significant attention as promising weight loss solutions. Marketed as revolutionary drugs, they’ve become a hot topic in the medical community and among patients alike. While they do lead to weight loss, there’s more to the story than just the number on the scale. As we dive deeper into these treatments, it’s essential to ask: are they truly a lasting solution to obesity, or just another quick fix with serious long-term consequences? Understanding GLP-1 Drugs: The Basics GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is a peptide hormone that plays a crucial role

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Understanding Insulin Resistance and How to Get Your Health on Track

Insulin resistance has become a growing concern in today’s society, impacting millions of individuals worldwide. Dr. Benjamin Bikman, a leading researcher in metabolic dysfunction, has shed light on how insulin resistance plays a central role in numerous chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, and even Alzheimer’s. In this blog post, we’ll break down Dr. Bikman’s key insights and provide practical steps you can take to reverse insulin resistance and get your health back on track. What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin resistance occurs when the body’s fat cells, which are normally responsive to insulin,

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The Connection Between Cholesterol and Brain Health: Why We Need to Rethink Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is often referred to as ‘type 3 diabetes,’ highlighting how insulin resistance in the brain can contribute to cognitive decline. However, a crucial yet overlooked factor in brain health is cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not the enemy we’ve been led to think it is. In fact, having enough cholesterol is essential for preventing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Cholesterol: The Misunderstood Molecule For decades, cholesterol has been demonized, with messages encouraging low-fat diets and the avoidance of high-cholesterol foods. These warnings, however, are based on outdated science. Dr. Mark Hyman, a renowned functional medicine expert, argues

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How Well Do You Know Your Health Numbers?

If I asked you about your business’s performance—whether it’s sales last month or for the past year—chances are you could recite those numbers instantly. But what if I asked you about your health numbers? Would you know the details? I’m talking about key health markers like: Vitamin D levels Fasting Insulin Lp(a) (lipoprotein A) A1C Triglyceride to HDL ratio I would argue that these numbers are just as, if not more, important than your business metrics. Yet, many of us are flying blind when it comes to understanding these vital health indicators. Why Your Health Numbers Matter Dr. Mark Hyman,

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Rethinking Heart Health: The Truth About Statins, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol

For decades, we’ve been taught that high cholesterol, especially LDL (“bad cholesterol”), is a major risk factor for heart disease. This narrative has led to widespread use of statin medications and the demonization of saturated fat in our diets. However, leading experts like Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Ken Berry, and Dr. Robert Cywes are challenging this traditional view, offering compelling evidence that calls into question the effectiveness of statins and the long-held beliefs about cholesterol and fat. In this post, we’ll dive into the latest research and expert insights, which suggest that heart disease prevention might be

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The Truth About Over-Exercising and Weight Loss: How to Find Balance and Fuel Your Body the Right Way

We’ve all been there: convinced that the more time we spend in the gym, the more weight we’ll lose. It’s a common belief that exercise is the key to shedding pounds. But what if we told you that over-exercising could actually work against you when it comes to weight loss? What if the key to weight loss isn’t working out harder, but rather optimizing what you eat to fuel your body the right way? In this blog post, we’ll explore how over-exercising can hinder your weight loss efforts, and why fixing the root cause of weight gain — carbohydrate consumption

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The Importance of Sleep: Insights from Dr. Matthew Walker and How to Improve Your Sleep Habits

Sleep. It’s something we all do, yet most of us don’t truly understand its importance or how to optimize it for our health. In recent years, sleep scientist Dr. Matthew Walker has gained widespread attention for his research on the critical role sleep plays in everything from cognitive function and emotional regulation to physical health. His work provides powerful insights into how sleep influences our daily lives and why it should be a priority. If you’ve ever felt groggy, had trouble concentrating, or experienced emotional ups and downs, it might be time to re-evaluate your sleep habits. Let’s dive into

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Medically Reviewed by Eric Zielinski, DC (Dr. Z) Last updated on May 6th, 2019 Today, as a society, we are more unhealthy and overweight than ever. In pursuit of both weight loss and better health, many people turn to fad diets and multi-vitamin supplementation, which often fails to address either of these issues. People discover that their weight-loss is short-lived and true health gains are not apparent. What if there were a better way? I believe there is. Rather than turning to these quick fixes, adding foods rich in bioactive compounds to your diet along with adding essential oils to

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Grain-Fed vs. Grass-Fed and Finished Beef – Why Does It Matter

This is an article posted by the Dr. Perlmutter Team at  Americans eat a lot of meat. In 2018, the United States Department of Agriculture projected that the average person would consume over two hundred pounds of chicken, pork, and beef by year’s end. That’s more than half a pound daily per capita, every day of the year! While it is possible to consume an omnivorous diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle, we recommend viewing meat as a garnish or side dish rather than the focus of your meal. The perfect plate is full of colorful, above-ground leafy vegetables

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Drink wine for LIFE, it may change your LIFE

This post is for all of my wine lover friends out there!  I have been enjoying the weekly podcasts that Dr. Josh Handt puts out covering a wide variety of topics. In this show, Josh interviews Todd White, who is the founder of Dry Farm Wines.  They cover a lot of ground in this show including how Todd founded the company and how he has been Keto for the last 5 years.  They then go deeper into what makes Dry Farm Wines so different than all of the other wines you are buying today. One of the more interesting takeaways

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4 Rosemary Essential Oil Uses

Link To Full Article: 4 Rosemary Essential Oil Uses I am huge fan of using fresh rosemary when I cook.  I typically will use it when grilling or roasting meats.  In the article above, Dr. Z goes into great detail on the uses for rosemary essential oil.  I have some rosemary oil on hand that I use for a body lotion.  I combine rosemary with peppermint and orange essential oils.  I am going to try incorporating rosemary essential oil into an upcoming recipe.  I’m thinking at a minimum, I could put a few drops on roasted sweet potatoes along with

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Biohacking – Bulletproof Style

Dave Asprey, best-selling author and founder of Bulletproof Coffee, talks about his newest book Game Changers, his top longevity secrets, and the one food you should NEVER eat raw. He also discusses some simple ways to cut through brain fog, reduce your stress, and boost your performance. Most of you have heard of Bulletproof the brand.  I have seen many of their products popping up on social media, and I have also tried their MCT Oil for putting in my morning coffee.  It wasn’t until recently that I started to learn more about the founder, David Asprey, through some different

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Springtime Essential Oil Blend Ideas

If you are looking for non-toxic ways to freshen your home this spring, here are some blend ideas to consider.  I have had success in buying our essential oils from Rocky Mountain Oils.  There are so many ways to incorporate essential oils into your personal care, home care, and even food recipes.  I haven’t explored this yet, but I plan to sooner than later. Enjoy! GOOD MORNING, SUNSHINE! 3 drops orange 1 drop ylang ylang 1 drop bergamot CLOTHESLINE FRESH 2 drops lemongrass 2 drops cedarwood 2 drops grapefruit HAPPY GARDENER 1 drop basil 2 drops peppermint 2 drops lime RAINDROP LULLABY 3

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Workout of the Week (WOW)

One of the things you will keep hearing me talk about is not having to go and torture yourself multiple days of the week at the gym doing chronic cardio.  Over the last three years I’ve done a complete 180 from running most days to now walking and doing other resistance workouts, HIIT, etc.  The link below is a great archive article from Mark’s Daily Apple.  There are links to many other articles that will show you how to incorporate new and different movements into your routine. I know that many of you are thinking that if you don’t go

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Podcast: Why Cutting Grains Can Save Your Life

I love it when two of the people I listen to their podcasts separately, come together to be a guest on the other’s show!  I enjoyed listening to this conversation and I think you will to.  If you’re on the fence about eating good fat, wait until you hear how Dr. Gundry likes to eat his eggs!! In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Gundry sits down with New York Times List #1 Bestselling author, four times over, Dr. David Perlmutter. During their conversation, Dr. Perlmutter reveals that, despite the success of his book “Grain Brain” and many others, he

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The Hormone Fix (menopause)

I listened to this podcast the other day and later shared it with my wife.  I always enjoy Dr. Perlmutter’s podcasts, even if the topic is not necessarily relevant to me.  I am sharing this for the benefit of women who are nearing, in, or through menopause.  I think you will find some good information in the podcast. Dr. Anna Cabeca has written a new book, The Hormone Fix, that focuses on the important role of diet and other lifestyle issues in terms of gaining hormone balance. She especially focuses on menopause and leveraging the fundamental relationship between a ketogenic

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Primal Life

Eggs? Why The Headlines Got It All Wrong

This is not a typical Doctor’s Farmacy podcast.  It’s only 12 minutes long.  As you will hear, he just got back from a short vacation and saw the headlines last week about eggs being bad and causing heart disease.  Dr. Hyman debunks the research that was cited in the article that went viral. Eat like your life depends on it!!  And yes, include eggs!! Link To Podcast: The Doctor’s Farmacy

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The Power Of Digital Detox

I recently added the Lewis Howes podcast to my lineup.  So far, I have really enjoyed each one and this one was no different.  In this episode, Lewis interviews Cal Newport.  Cal Newport is a computer science professor at Georgetown University. In addition to academic research, he writes about the intersection of technology and society. He’s particularly interested in the impact of new technologies on our ability to perform productive work or lead satisfying lives.  Cal recommends building “fences” around our phones so that we’re not using them mindlessly all day. One of the main things I took away from

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5 Hemp Oil Benefits For Health & Wellness

I was happy to see this article on Mark’s Daily Apple.  Mark has a way of laying things out in a way that is easy to follow and he doesn’t get too far off the beaten path to where most readers get lost. I have been learning a lot about CBD/Hemp Oil products.  My research has led me to a company called CTFO.  One of the main reasons I landed on CTFO was the quality of their products.  The FDA does not regulate CBD/Hemp products today, so you have to be careful about what you are getting.  One of the

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The Benefits of Adding Sprints To Your Workout Routine

In a previous post I talked about the Primal Essential Movements; Push-up, Pull-up, Squat, and Plank.  In addition to these movements, it is recommended to have a session of sprints every 7-10 days.  Don’t let the idea of sprinting turn you off if you haven’t done them since the 40 yard dash back in grade school! Sprinting is an occasional short burst of maximum effort.  Just like with diet, sprinting will look different for each of you.  Sprinting triggers a cascade of positive neuroendocrine, hormonal, and gene expression events that promote muscle development, fat loss, increased energy and alertness, and

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Sloppy Joe Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

When I saw this recipe, I just had to share it!! Two of my favorite foods presented in a fun way.  I am including the link below to the recipe found at Primal Kitchens.  The overall concept is pretty simple, make your go to Sloppy Joe recipe and roast some sweet potatoes.  With regards to some of the ingredients, I would highly recommend you use the Primal Kitchens BBQ Ranch Dressing.  All of the PK products use 100% Avocado Oil and none of the harmful seed oils that you will see in almost every other dressing in your grocery store.

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Primal Life

What’s the Pegan Diet?

In this article, Mark compares the Pegan Diet to Primal.  I believe this article was prompted by some of the press this week, led by Dr. Oz, where some negative things were mentioned about the Keto Diet.  As always, Mark lays it out in a simple to digest way for the reader. Link to Article: Mark’s Daily Apple – What’s the Pegan Diet?

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Primal Life

One of the best articles I’ve read of late…

This article does a great job explaining in detail how the body works in relation to increased processed foods and sugar.  There are a lot of visual aids to help you comprehend the whole concept.  You won’t be disappointed if you take the 5-7 minutes needed to give this article justice.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Here are a couple of bullets from the article: A University of Washington study showed that 1 glass of water stopped hunger pangs for 100% of studied dieters 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated Sugar can rewire the brain’s

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I need to do a better job of drinking more myself!

I like my coffee in the morning, but I think I will start to put a couple of green tea bags in my water in the afternoon. Here are just a few of the known benefits: Effective for weight loss Reducing risk of cancer Protecting the brain from Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s Reduces risk of heart attack Helps a person live longer Link To Article: Green Tea Offsets Worsening Human Diet

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